How RIP-IT's Women’s
Volleyball Shoe became
Our team developed a research proposal that outlines the study’s goal, expectations for both parties, and a timeline. The purpose was to field-test the FUTURE Shoe outside the lab to determine if it performs as claimed. As experts in movement-related data, we tested various metrics using our clinically validated internal measurement unit (IMU) and the VTS (VERT Team System) athlete data capture platform to establish performance trends, whether positive, negative, or neutral. The testing focused on landing impacts, and the results were overwhelmingly positive.

Elevate female
performance through
innovation. The volleyball shoe
is the most important piece
of athletic gear
a player will own.

Female volleyball,
all ages and levels. This
study was performed
with athletes ranging
from ages 14-18.

Determine if the FUTURE
shoe by RIP-IT leads to a statistically significant change in landing impact in high-level volleyball players with various landing mechanics.
“Our team tracks thousands of female volleyball players every year. We KNOW that many injuries originate from poorly designed footwear. This was a study we were cautiously optimistic about and excited about the results in our findings.”
David Gil,
VP, VERT Performance Lab
About the Study
For this pilot study the VTS (VERT Team System) was utilized to collect jump and landing data on four athletes. These athletes were chosen specifically for their unique landing mechanics and historical data recorded in club practices.
In addition, three of the four athletes had chronic back and/or lower extremity issues we noted throughout the study. The athletes were given the RIP-IT FUTURE shoes to use in their practices as well as select athletes utilized the RIP-IT FUTURE in competitive matches. From time to time the athletes would be asked to put their previous shoes back on for a session with those sessions being noted for study review.
Upon the completion of the initial phase the VERT Performance Lab analyzed the data and came to a clear conclusion regarding the effect the RIP-IT FUTURE shoe has on landing impact for female athletes in volleyball.
RIP-IT shoes can significantly assist with DECREASING the landing impact for female athletes in volleyball.

Study Highlights
Average Elevated Landing % Decreased:
Average Peak Landing G Decreased:
Peak Landing Gs versus Jump Height in Inches Decreased:

Elevated landing % is defined as landing impacts registered above 15Gs. G-force is a measure of acceleration, with 1G being the constant acceleration an individual feels due to Earth’s gravity. VERT has collected millions of jumps (and landings) with hundreds of collegiate and professional programs to normalize the data and found landings above 15G to be a key indicator of lower extremity injury, especially athletes averaging more than 20% elevated landings. The FUTURE shoes enabled a dramatic decrease in elevated landing % by reducing the peak acceleration of high impact landings.
Average peak landing G refers to the average "impact" registered by the sensor (which is located just under the belly button of an athlete). This provides direct insight regarding how well the ground force of landing is attenuated up the kinetic chain to the athlete's center of mass. When reviewing the data for all four athletes there was an average decrease in peak landing impact. The smallest decrease for any of the athletes was 11%.
A deeper analysis of the data showed a 14.25% decrease in peak landing G vs jump height in inches. The reduction in landing was not isolated to only low or high jump heights, but across all jump heights.
How Do We Certify Products?
As experts in movement-related-data, our team is able to test a multitude of metrics using our clinically validated IMU (internal measurement unit) and the VTS (VERT Team System) athlete data capture platform to establish trends in performance, be they positive, negative or neutral.
As part of the VERT Certification, programs receive a research proposal once initial criteria is met. Additionally, the research project remains confidential until the results are finalized and there is mutual agreement to share them publicly. The VERT Performance Lab's validation group maintains an unbiased stance, focusing solely on accurate data assessment. Any promotion of the results from the certification process will be at the discretion of the company paying for the certification.
If the results meet the established criteria for achieving VERT Certification, the company will be granted the VERT Certification. Our team will then support by explaining the testing process, promoting the positive results, and providing educational resources to help market your VERT Certification effectively.
Find out more
about getting VERT CERTIFIED:
Our team specializes in field-testing products that drive human performance. If you believe your product delivers a real impact, put it to the test with us and see if it has what it takes to earn the VERT Certification.
Reach out today to get started!